XXVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 06-10, 2020, Moscow
Author's Index
Author: Ponomarev Yu.N. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- Zhang Shuo, Klimkin A.V., Kokhanenko G.P., Kuryak A.N., Osipov K.Yu., Ponomarev Yu.N., Karapuzikov A.A.
Experimental studies of the spectral dependence of backscattering signals at wavelengths of a CO2 laser on atmospheric aerosol 
- Belyakova I.A., Filinyuk O.V., Baikov A.N., Mamyshev V.P., Nikiforova O.Yu., Ponomarev Yu.N., Jafarova O.A.
Change in skin conductivity at weak low-frequency pulsed acoustic impact in children with pulmonary tuberculosis 
- Belyakova I.A., Filinyuk O.V., Baikov A.N., Mamyshev V.P., Nikiforova O.Yu., Ponomarev Yu.N., Jafarova O.A.
Impact of weak low-frequency pulsed sound on indicators of general blood analysis in children with pulmonary tuberculosis 